Empowering Innovation, One Venture at a Time

Where AI meets Legacy – FAHM Ventures is pioneering the future with smart capital for the world's next tech titans

about us

About FAHM

At FAHM Ventures, founded by the Melkonian family—Frank, Arman, Arlene, Aren, and Hoori—we're driving the future of AI, ML, and robotics to revolutionize legacy industries. Uniting visionary innovation with smart capital, we empower tech pioneers to transform the world, one groundbreaking venture at a time. Where tradition meets transformation, FAHM stands as the beacon for the next tech titans, blending quirky innovation with steadfast legacy.

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Capital invested
Enterprise Partners
Years of combined industry expertise

Our approach

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In the Discovery phase, we dive deep into the tech ecosystem, identifying emerging trends and groundbreaking innovations that promise to redefine industries. Our team actively engages with the AI community and even is hands-on developing their own AI technologies, from startups to tech giants, we're always at the forefront of the next big thing. It's about seeing beyond the present, envisioning the potential of AI, ML, and robotics to create a future where technology enhances every aspect of our lives.

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Our Research phase is grounded in rigorous analysis and a passion for details. We meticulously assess each opportunity, evaluating the technology's impact, scalability, and the team's vision to ensure alignment with our investment philosophy. We also ensure we can provide value through either our own enterprise or enterprise partners to provide you with your first customer. This process not only refines our understanding but also solidifies our commitment to supporting ventures that have the potential to lead their fields.

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Investment marks the beginning of our partnership journey, where capital meets innovation to spark growth and transformation. We're not just investors; we're collaborators, committed to providing more than just financial support. By offering strategic guidance, industry connections, and operational expertise, we empower our partners to navigate challenges and seize opportunities on their path to success.


Industries we invest in

Data Private Alternatives

We believe in a world where companies own their data and only they control it. It's why we are investing in alternatives to common industry softwares that prioritize data privacy.

AI enabled IOT

AI that helps automate manufacturing and operations through the IOT network,  leveraging existing infrastructure, is the next stage of enhancing robotics and the efficiency of it.

Automating Legacy

Bringing intelligent automation to industries traditionally unable to take advantage of the technology available is core purpose of ours. Industries like agriculture and construction are ready to benefit from these advancements.


Our partners

FAHM Ventures collaborates closely with industry, leveraging the diverse expertise and visionary leadership within our founding family to empower and guide transformative tech ventures